Spiritual Releasements

The picture above has an entity in it that I captured on my phone. Within the pink square (a post-it note) looks like Edward Scissorhands. He looks scary to some people, but he did not cause me any harm or fear. He was just meandering through my house and I happened to snap a picture as he was passing through.
Spirits are all around us. We may not see them, or feel them, or even realize they are around. Not unless we have the knowledge or understanding or compelled to believe, and look for signs. Those from the white light are the ones we like to welcome. They are the spirits we want to get a message from. They are usually a family member or someone special we have lost in our life.
Then there are those spirits that would be considered from the dark side. They are the ones that are stuck here on the earthly plain. You may hear them being called dark entities, attachments, earthbound, or shadow people to name a few. These are not always ones that cause us problems. As humans we don’t understand them and tend to be a little afraid of them. They are just lost souls that are meandering here on earth. They are not necessarily here to cause us humans problems, they just haven’t figured out how to go to the white light or they may be afraid of going to the white light if they did something in there human body life that they are afraid that God will not accept and forgive them for their action. But then there are some of those spirits that can cause us problems and issues. They use our energy to give themselves life. They also use that energy to make things move. They can open and close doors and drawers. They can change the temperature in a room. I generally refer to them as Dark Entities or Attachments. These darker entities can cause us humans problems, they can affect our mind, body and soul, and they can interrupt our vibration to ultimately cause us illness, disease, depression or mental anguish. Breaks occur in the aura which makes one susceptible to spirit attachments. Dark entities/attachments can also affect your pet and even inanimate objects.
Dark entities and spirit attachments could be causing:
physical, emotional and mental pain
inability to focus
feelings of disconnection
heighten our existing negative emotions
children do not sleep through the night (nightmares)
children are afraid of certain rooms or areas
Do you have a headache and you are a type of person that normally never gets one?
Are you feeling a presence around you?
Do your animals stop and stare at a spot or bark/growl while staring at something you do not see?
Are you not sleeping well in the home but sleep like a rock elsewhere?
Have things not gone well since you moved into the house?
Is the house itself warm, but you are feeling a cool dampness around you?
Do things happen that you have no explanation for? Doors and drawers opening and closing for no reason. Lights turning on and off by themselves.
Dark Entities are not working for the highest good of humanity and could be feeding off your life force energy to benefit their agendas. They thrive off our lower vibrations such as fear, hate, guilt and shame. These entitles, spirit attachments and dark entity consciousness can find their way to you through destructive behaviors like excessive alcohol consumption or drug use, spending too much time on social media, daily stress, obsessive thinking, outbursts of anger, and even your own words. Evil pokes holes in your aura. Evil can break you down little by little.
Homes, property, and inanimate objects can have spirits, entities, and negative energies attached to them. Everything has energy. Everything man made was touched by a human somewhere along the manufacturing and distribution line. It doesn’t matter if the object or house is new or used. Every human that touched that object has left its energy imprint on it. Whether that energy imprint is of a high vibration or a low vibration it is now imprinted on that object. Regardless if the home is new construction or an existing home, there is often lingering energy that no longer serves the home and its occupants.
If someone has passed away while in their home, they have left their imprint behind or even possibly their spirit. Land has a history of war, bloodshed, and death being left on it prior to homes and buildings being build. People with attachments can bring them into your home and leave them behind when they leave. Spirits will pass through your property and move on or they may choose to stay.
Dark Entities, Demons, and Spirits are life forms that see you as their property. They enter into your energy field and your physical body... and usually want to cause harm, pain and suffering. They feed off your energy, and leave you feeling drained and unsettled.
However, as humans, you were meant to live a life of love and happiness. The issues that are caused by dark entities or attachments can be cleared from you. Working with you, your body can be cleared and energetically healed to prevent them from attaching to you.
Spiritual Releasement
Clearing of humans, animals, house and property long distance $100. If a personal visit would be requested, then there would be additional fees. Send me a message to discuss.
Appointments can be requested on the Contact page.
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