Entity Free for a Healthy Home and a Happy Family

Home is where the Health Starts! Have you ever wondered if energetic imbalances in your home might be behind the mystifying health or family issues? Do you feel lack of energy or even to the point of fatigue that would not be normal for you? Are you feeling negative emotions or depression? Are you hearing inner voices that you are not sure if that is your voice you are hearing? Or is it a voice of something else? Do you ever feel a presence around you or have you ever been touched by something, yet when you turn around you do not see anyone or anything? Does a child experience night terrors? Are children or pets afraid of certain rooms or areas within the house? Any unexplained paranormal activity in the home?
In today’s world with so much going on in our daily life, we may have an attachment and not even realize or understand that we have one. So what is an entity? An entity is a spiritual being of a lower vibration. Entities attach to people, pets, places or even inanimate objects to live and survive. These entities cause the negative vibrations that drain our energy and generally we don’t even realize that it is an entity.
We may brush it off as just a “fluke” or say “that was odd” and continue on with our life not realizing that there are outside influences causing our aches, pains and disruptions. In reality that “fluke” or “odd” may have been an entity creating the havoc in your life to use your energy. The lower level vibrations such as fear, anger, hate is what the entities live on.
There are so many things that happen in our lives that will weaken our auras and when our auras is in a weaken state it does not take much to cause tears and holes in our aura. Eating a poor diet so our energy is running on low. Keeping busy non-stop in full mode with little to no sleep, we sleep becomes deprived. Dealing with a serious emotional trauma like a death in the family, or going through a divorce. Living and or working in a stressful environment. These are just a few factors that can cause tares or holes in our aura. Those tears or holes are all that is needed to allow an entity to enter into our energy field. Entities then create these havocs in our emotional state of living so we start to feel and live in those lower vibrations. That is what entities need to survive and live on. Our living in a lower vibration does not do us any good. But the entities thrive on that.
In the First session: I will use my mediumship expertise with my Spirit Team to conduct an assessment of your property, home, people and pets living on the property to determine who or what has the attachment. I then conduct an assessment on that person or animal to determine the reason as to why the entity entered their energy field. During this first session I work with my Spirit team to successfully remove the entity and send it back to Source God for the entity’s own spiritual healing. We as humans have freewill of choosing not to have an entity attached to us. The entities also have freewill to heal once they are returned to Source God. Healing the person or animal energy system using my specialized modalities of clearing and balancing will help prevent future attachments from those entities that still walk the earthly plane.
During sessions two through eight: I will begin each session with a verification check that everyone/thing is currently clear. If someone/thing is not clear I will go through the process of clearing. Until the person/animal that needs to be healed is healed, other entities can take the place of the one that was released. During each session we will continue with the energy healing system process on the individual to continue closing up the aura. At the end of each session, I will determine how much healing time is needed and when the next session can be scheduled. Staying on top of consecutive sessions will help the person/animal to heal faster thus less chance of dealing with anther attachment.
Session nine is the closure session where we will discuss the findings and healing work that was done. I will offer my expert opinion on what preventions could be put into place to help avert future attachments.
Entity Free for a Joyous Home and a Happy Healthy Family Program
9 Session Package for $1297 will include entity releasement/s, monitoring and the necessary healing.
If a personal visit would be requested, then there would be additional fees. Send me a message to discuss.
Appointments can be requested on the Contact page.
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