Emotion Code

I am sure you are thinking…."what in the world is the emotion code?"
Since 1998, Dr. Nelson has been sharing the life-changing energy healing modality known as “The Emotion Code”. He is the creator of the Emotion Code and is a best-selling author, teacher and speaker. He is a holistic chiropractic physician, craniopath and pioneer in the field of bio-energetic medicine.
People often sense that they have emotional issues, but don’t know how to get past them. The feelings that seem to be in their way are often due to their Trapped Emotions. Sometimes people refer to this as “Emotional baggage”. “E-motions” are meant to move. They are supposed to be felt and experienced and then move through the body and out. When this doesn’t happen, for example in overwhelming situations, or when it is not safe to feel or express these emotions, they become trapped. These discrete energies that become trapped during emotional events can be found and removed using the Emotion Code.
The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique designed to help identify and literally release Trapped Emotions. Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they can affect physical tissues, organs and overall wellness. Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction, and possibly disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how you react to every day challenges.
Think of trapped emotions as balls of energy that can get stuck in the body - which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events (whether in this lifetime, a past life time, or through ancestral family lineage) that our body did not process. They vibrate at different frequencies depending on the particular emotion. The trapped emotion, or negative vibration, can often affect the part of the body where they are stuck, but can also disturb overall balance and health. These trapped emotions interfere with the body's ability to heal itself. There are a core group of 60 emotions that we work with and each emotion has its own vibration. When that vibration is stuck in the body, it creates an unnatural vibration throughout the body, that when left unprocessed could over time, contribute to illness. Working with the higher self-guidance of the client is done to determine which emotions need to be released.
Our subconscious mind, cells of the body, and emotional body hold a record of every emotion we have ever experienced in this lifetime or any other, so it is clear to see how one could accumulate considerable baggage. We are truly only as healthy as our emotional body.
Why the Emotion Code?
The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions that have been stored in the body through our subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering.
Emotions profoundly affect the quality of our life. Our experience of low frequency emotions — like fear and anger — feel very different from our experience of high frequency emotions — like love and gratitude. The latter creates the powerful brain and heart coherence that regulates our nervous system, creates balance, and allows our body to heal. Every emotion has its own energetic frequency. When emotional energies lodge in the body, the frequency causes an imbalance affecting the organs and tissues, or disturbs your whole energy field, thoughts, and mood. Releasing trapped negative emotions can help remove the imbalances, allowing your body to heal itself, leading to a healthier and happier life as you resonate more positive energy!
It’s possible to let go of negative emotions by allowing ourselves to experience them, but when we don’t allow this, they become trapped. Trapped emotions over time distort our tissues causing imbalance, pain, and can eventually lead to illness.
The process we follow to find and release the trapped emotions that your practitioner can efficiently and painlessly remove your underlying trapped emotions:
Your subconscious mind is the ultra-intelligent computer system of your body. It knows exactly what you need in order to achieve balance in the five key areas of health (physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual). Your emotional release practitioner will use her God-given intuitive gifts to energetically connect with your subconscious mind. This will allow discovery of truths only your subconscious mind can tell.
Once energetically connected to your subconscious, your practitioner will use specific questioning, charts of emotions, and muscle testing to get precise answers from your subconscious about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed. These questions are carefully thought out with specific intention to expose the trapped emotions that are depressing your optimal health.
To release the trapped emotions or correct energetic imbalance, the Emotion Code technique combines the modern technology of therapeutic magnets and trusted ancient medicine principles. Using the power of intention, your practitioner will clear the trapped emotions from your body, and then confirm the release.
Releasing of trapped emotions restores the emotional and physical balance in your body. Freed from the emotional traumas and empowered in your new state of healing, you may experience many immediate or developing benefits.
While I am very efficient in releasing many trapped emotions in each session, it is important to know that I ask your subconscious mind many questions about each issue in order to clear the root emotions and this takes time. It is your subconscious that dictates which trapped emotion is released during each session. When one (or more) trapped emotion is released that is in essence removing a layer (like a layer in an onion) and other trapped emotions may surface through. Layers are removed until we come to the root cause which started the entire imbalance in the body.
During an Emotion Code session, I tune into my client while using a pendulum to communicate with the client’s subconscious mind. The subconscious mind knows every experience we have ever had and knows if that experience was resolved or not. I ask a series of questions to find out what trapped emotions have remained stuck in the body. Through the process of bringing forward the trapped emotion that your body is holding onto, and bringing it forward to your consciousness, your body is then ready to release the trapped emotion. Intention is then used to help release the trapped emotion from your body. Thus letting your body heal itself back to its natural energetic flow of energy.
Emotion Code works on all levels of your being: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. It clears the trapped emotions in your physical and energetic bodies that can create pain, malfunction, and eventual disease. By clearing these blocks and obstacles you can then achieve the fullest potential in your life. Trapped emotions are invisible yet they can exert powerful forces upon you. Trapped emotions can affect you physically just as much as they can mentally and emotionally. It is my experience that a significant percentage of physical illnesses, emotional difficulties, and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies.
The Emotion Code is not a substitute for medical treatment, but is complementary with many treatments.
Emotion Code
Single Session $120
5 - Session Pack $550
10 - Session Pack $1080
Done by long distance utilizing the phone, messenger video or email
Appointments can be requested on the Contact page.
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