Body Code

The BODY CODE is a system developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson (see the Emotion Code tab for more info on Dr. Bradley) that takes the Emotion Code to a whole new level.
So what is the difference between body code and emotion code?
The Emotion Code is only about the emotional imbalances, and although 80% of the (physical) problems we suffer from are emotional in nature, the Body Code covers the full spectrum and contains a way to find all imbalances that we can suffer from.
The Body Code contains both the Emotion Code and the Body Code. It takes the Emotion Code a step further by not only focusing on trapped emotions, but also identifying other types of energetic distortion and misalignments that prevent holistic balance and contribute to discomfort, lack, and disease in our lives. The Body Code provides a deeper
healing experience than the Emotion Code. It is a powerful energy healing modality that can access our unconscious mind, find the imbalances at the root cause, then on an energetic level the imbalances are released. The body has the powerful ability to restore its own health if conditions are right. Physically, there may be disconnections, structural imbalances, possible toxins, pathogens or nutritional deficiencies. This work is designed to remove imbalances and corrects them energetically to help provide the conditions for the body to heal itself.
In the Body Code there are 6 energy healing benefits.
Energy: Identifying and removing damaging energies that can become trapped in the body during stressful emotional events. Trapped emotions, offensive energies, idea allergies, psychic traumas, and negative beliefs.
Circuit or System: Balance the energy systems with the organs, glands, chakras, systems, disconnections, and acupuncture.
Toxin: Identify heavy metals, excesses, EM spectrum, chemicals, free radicals, prions, dental and microbial that may be throwing off your body’s balance.
Pathogen: Identify bacteria, virus, mold or parasites, and fungus. These invaders may wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.
Misalignment: Structural Balance - Support the proper function of bones, nerves, connective tissues and alignment, connective tissues, glands, organs, body systems, and skeleton.
Nutrition & Lifestyle: Nutrient deficiency as well as imbalances like pH imbalance, magnetic field deficiency, sleep issues, dehydration, and food/herb/nutrients.
The body remembers and stores everything. All of our experiences, every thought, every word, every action, all of our memories, our joy, our pain, our injuries, our trauma, all of it. Each of these moments and memories were stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level. These memories are in your muscles, organs, connective tissue, joints, etc. Our body is a living history that keeps an accurate record of everything you've ever experienced. And whether the trapped emotion or energy is yours, meaning you experienced it, or whether you inherited from a parent or absorbed it from someone else, the Body Code working with your sub conscious will find those blockages. The sub conscious is also able to identify when an energetic trauma was experienced and trapped, which sometimes helps people identify the situation, and promotes understanding and releasing the trapped emotion.
The Body Code is not a substitute for medical treatment but is complementary with many treatments.
Body Code
Single Session $120
5 - Session Pack $550
10 - Session Pack $1080
Done by long distance utilizing the phone, messenger video or email
Appointments can be requested on the Contact page.
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