
"My name is Patricia L. and I was lucky to cross paths with Ellie in May of 2019. A friend asked me to join her and two other friends on a trip to London, Scotland and Ireland. It was there when I became aware of Ellie Weisensel’s special abilities.
In discussions with her I revealed many ghostly incidents that have occurred in the house where I grew up. My mother saw a cup floating in the air and fall and break. My sister saw a chair crossing the living room without anyone there pushing it. We built our house on the part of the property. My husband has become a different person a number of years ago and was to a point he would talk all the time like he was angry. Actually he didn’t talk, he verbalized loudly and with very mean tones. He was angry and unhappy all the time. My friend noticed it as well and asked what’s happened to him.
Ellie helped the both of us. First of all my husband informed the universe that Ellie has permission to work on him. She cleared spirits and chakras. It was noticed there were numerous spirts and that there was a portal in the house that needed to be revered. The process began and I couldn’t believe it. As Ellie worked on my husband he became his old self more and more. Ellie had her work cut out for her. My husband had five blocked chakras. Our house had a portal which was a superhighway for spirits which Ellie needed to reverse.
When Ellie completed the work it is so wonderful. My husband talks and does special things for me. It’s hard to believe but he’s back to his old wonderful self.
I’ve mentioned this to many of my friends and recommend others to contact Ellie Weisensel for help!"
Patricia L.
"It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of reference for Ellie Weisensel.
I have known Ellie for the past eight years and have gotten to know her very well. My experiences with her were created when I showed interest in spirits and different aspects of things that happen sometimes without explanation. I told her about my children who at the times were ten and eight. My son has ADHD and Sensory Integration Dysfunction and can get very agitated quickly. She listened intently and asked me to give permission to work on my son. When he becomes angry or withdrawn I call on Ellie to see if he has an attachment. He usually does. Meaning something in the universe has attached to him and creating the reaction. She removes what has attached to Logan and usually within 5 minutes to 20 minutes he is back to a normal person.
Both my kids and myself have had trapped emotions that Ellie has worked on many hours to clear these. Sometimes we can tell right away a difference in clarity and emotions and sometimes we cannot.
My most recent experience with Ellie’s ability is when I noticed there was an entity in my house. I saw it, a flash of darkness, a breath of cold air. I could tell something was here. She indeed said there was something in the house. She said she cleared it and most instantly I had extreme pain my head and jaw. I contacted Ellie and she said the entity that she cleared shot a dagger into my head as it left. Odd and weird but my goodness it hurt. She was able to take some time and clear that dagger out of my jaw.
In all my dealings with her, she has been a positive influence not only upon my children
but on me as well. She understands the importance of helping people and when people need help. I am confident you will not find a better person to work with or will work hard to help you."
Tami C.

"My interactions with Ellie during this process was nothing short of positive and professional. She worked on myself and my family, closing a portal on our property, clearing our chakras, meridians, factors and trapped emotions, while keeping me updated along the way. I am very appreciative of the numerous hours she put into working on my family. She walked me through her notes and her process. I found it very interesting to go through each member’s worksheet. Looking at her notes, I felt like there were things that made a lot of sense with some individuals. Moving forward I am trying to focus on recognizing changes within my family members and myself. "
Megan N.
"I have had the wonderful experience when working with Ellie Weisensel.
Ellie has cleared attachments (Spiritual Releasement) from myself and family members. During troubled times (stressful) when the attachments are released I can tell a difference in the tone in a voice and actions such as not as irritable and being able to calmly deal with daily events whether they are positive or negative. Personally, I find a feeling of calmness to deal with daily events and a pain/ache (headache in particular) is gone.
Every family has little bouts of arguing, I notice this doesn’t really happen we just seem to get along better.
Ellie has also reversed a portal on our property to stop the superhighways of entities. During Christmas time we had family over that included a person that is usually very negative and doesn’t include herself in conversation. She would like everyone to come to her to ask if she’s ok, then complain. It was a pleasant surprise to find her coming to the table and joining in the conversation. No negative attitude and very enjoyable! Such a nice feeling! Everyone had such happiness about them.
I know there is so much more Ellie has done for us and I’m so very thankful!
Thank you, Ellie for taking the time to work with me and my family. I look forward to working with you in the future."
Sue J.
Volunteering at the shelter, I’ve seen many cases. But, one in particular pressed deeply upon my heart. “Willow” was found on Williams Street in a trailer park area. They had been tossing her dog food and hoping to trap her and bring her in to the shelter. She had medium-long, black and white fur, she was dirty and matted, and starving. She was very skittish. At the shelter she growled and cowered at the
back corner of her cage.
When the people at the shelter took her to the vet to get checked, they found that she had been
chipped. In contacting the number associated with the chip, there was no response regarding
ownership. I was smitten, but certainly couldn’t bring home a cat like that, especially when we already had a cat, Mario. Being a regular foster caregiver, I asked if I could foster her temporarily to see if she would work in my household. Unfortunately, the answer, even after 8 weeks of having them separated by a room and trying to introduce them appropriately was, no. I was so disappointed. She simply would not get along with another cat or with people. She just stayed under my bed and came out to get food and use the litter box. She was too traumatized and now she was making our cat upset. I called the shelter brokenhearted and told them it wouldn’t work.
That’s when Ellen came into the picture. I was asked if I would give it a try with her. I was skeptical, but wanted to exhaust every possibility.
Within two weeks, I noticed a big change in both Mario and Willow’s demeanor. They were able to be in the same room together without getting upset. They still required their own boundaries, but this was progress. Then, they started moving closer and closer to each other. As a few more weeks went by, Willow gained weight, her coat became sleek, she started perking up, now she is the most playful, snuggliest cat I’ve ever had. She greets people at the door and hops on their laps. She sleeps in my arms every night. She is a different cat!

Ellen’s energy work did something. I can’t say what happened specifically. All I know is that when Ellen worked on Willow and Mario, impressive improvements happened and it was like I had different, calmer, happier kitties. You may think I’m exaggerating, but the photos don’t lie. Her work saved Willow’s life!
Kristen L.
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