About Ellie

Hi, Ellie here. Welcome to my world. I have been intrigued my entire life with the spiritual world. When I was eight, Santa brought me the Ouija Board for Christmas. Gotta love Santa. He always knows what you want. I couldn’t get enough of the scary movies like The Exorcist, The Ring, and The Blair Witch Project just to name a few. I had one friend that I could always drag along to see them, not that she really enjoyed them, she was just that good of a friend. Oh, and visiting haunted locations, I just couldn’t find enough of them. Back in the 80’s I was seeking out Mediums to receive readings from them; when getting readings wasn’t a normal thing to do. So often I was told by Mediums that I had the abilities to do what I was seeing them for, that I was a Medium. But was I???? Back then I just didn’t connect the dots to know. I just didn’t trust myself with the messages I was receiving, and I certainly didn’t believe in myself. As the years went by, I accumulated a number of divination tools. My interest was growing…….Pendulums, Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards, Ruins, Crystals and that was just the beginning. I was digging into anything that I came across that peaked my interest and that would deepen my knowledge.
Then about 10 years ago, I went through a life changing traumatic event that rocked my world and it changed my life. It rocked my world to its core. I went head on into the spiritual world using one of my pendulums looking for answers. Pandora’s box opened. I opened myself up without truly knowing what I was doing and ended up with a dark spirit attachment. I was lost; I didn’t know what to do to get rid of it. It was affecting my life and not in a good way. But the Spirit World knew what I needed. They placed on my path a Medium who understood what I was going through and knew how to help it cross into the white light which released the attachment from me. At that time finding a Medium who could release dark entities was like finding a needle in a haystack. The spirit world knew who I needed. But it didn’t end up being just one dark entity. I kept getting them. It is amazing when you need to learn something, when you need to learn a lesson, and you don’t listen, the spirit world will keep throwing it back at you until you learn. After a number of times seeing this Medium for a releasement, I realized that I needed to learn to release attachments myself. Thus my training began.
I couldn’t get enough classes and I couldn’t learn enough about the spirit world. Once I learned how to release the entities from myself, the Spirit World starting having other people cross my path. People that needed spiritual releasements were crossing my path. Along with releasing entities, healing needed to occur. Healing for the entity and healing for the person whom attracted them so they would no longer attract them. Learning one type of modality led to learning another type of modality, then another. No matter how old you get, you never stop learning, and trust me, there is always something to learn.
I am currently at a point in my life that I am ready to open myself up to help others. Everyone has a story, everyone has a path. What is yours? How can I help you to on your path……
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